As someone who considers myself a specialist in evaluating and treating low back pain, I can honestly say… I DON’T KNOW! So be suspicious of anyone who says they can identify a specific mechanical cause of low back pain. Why?
Because low back pain…
– Is shaped by multiple lifestyle and whole-system factors.
– Doesn’t correlate with posture, strength, mobility, movement patterns, history of activity, or imaging.
– Isn’t just mechanical.
– It’s chemical, biological, physiological, psychological, and other “logicals”… ha!
– It’s perceptual and social.
Naming or blaming…
Naming a specific mechanical cause of low back pain, or blaming it on an activity, position, movement, or image can lead to fear and Avoidance.
Fear and avoidance…
qualities most folks with low back pain already exhibit in excess.
Complexity in source…
So while back pain is pretty complex in source It doesn’t have to be complex or uberspecific in treatment. Specific to the person? YES! Specific to the mechanism? NOT SO MUCH. That’s why I don’t dwell on causes. I validate experience and encourage movement forward with CONFIDENCE and COURAGE.
What can you do about your back pain?
Want to learn more about the strategies I use in the PT clinic for helping folks with low back pain trust themselves, desensitize painful areas, gain confidence with movement, and return to previously painful activities?
I said it before and I’m saying it again to hold myself publicly accountable: A series of new solo Practice Human podcast episodes will break down my methods from immediately after an acute flare-up to resuming high intensity activities.
Struggling with low back pain?
CLICK HERE to schedule a 15 minute discovery call, and find out if PT is right for you.