Thank you for meeting me here!
I'm excited to provide you with this little peek inside The Slow Cooker. Below you'll find a simple strength program you can implement now and use for life.
Some things can't be rushed.
Rice. Caramelized onions. Barbeque spare ribs. Are you getting hungry yet?
How long do these things take to cook? They take as long as they take.
Same is true with physiological adaptation. Want to get stronger? Build more muscle and stronger bones? Move faster? Run farther? Feel really freakin' good? Improve your overall long-term health?
It’s slow cooking.
I’m talking 3-6 months… 1-2 years... for always… If you’re motivated to engage in the kind of behavioral, lifestyle, and fitness changes that will have you reaping maximum health benefits and sustaining a high level of functional independence with age, settle in for the long haul.
This is why I created The Slow Cooker.
My goal in these tutorials is to give you little taste of what's inside my online course designed for women ages 40+ and get the ball rolling for you to build some potent and sustainable strength habits and know-how now.
Let's dive in!
Below you'll find two strength workouts:
Workout "A" HINGE & PUSH and workout "B" SQUAT & PULL. Together, these workouts cover all the bases for functional patterns to get started with strength training. Plug these two short strength sessions into your week for twice-weekly training (e.g. A on Tuesday and B on Friday) and you're golden.
The superset structure provides a time efficient whole-body workout. It's the foundation for both of the strength sessions included here.
VIDEO A1: Bench Workout Superset, Hinge & Push
In this tutorial you will learn:
- What is a superset?
- Why did I pick these two exercises to include in the superset?
- How to work with reps, sets, and choosing the appropriate weight to drive strength adaptation?
After wrapping your brain around this workout structure, take a look at the video tutorials for your "A" workout, HINGE & PUSH below.
Join the Slow Cooker waitlist!
You’ll be the first to know when registration opens for the next 20-week course cycle and save $300 off the Basics level tuition.
The videos in this workout are excerpts straight out of the live strength tutorials in a Slow Cooker cohort. The first one breaks down the superset structure again, because once is never and maybe you'd like to see it told a different way, with the squat and row exercises specifically.
Let's fine tune the squat.
There are many options to meet you where you are today, and with the equipment you can access. I have a few videos for you, breaking down various pieces, options, ideas and considerations for the ohh-so-important squat.
VIDEO B2: Squat Tutorial - How to Hold Your Weight
VIDEO B3: Squat Tutorial - Bench as Target vs Heels Elevated
VIDEO B4: Squat Tutorial - Moving Beyond 90 Degrees
VIDEO B5: Squat Tutorial - Upper Body Assist for Sensitive Knees
Finally, just one humble video for the mighty bench supported single arm row. For real though, this puppy is a powerhouse for your upper body and core (your lats or as I like to call them, back abs) 💥
Whew. That's a lot!
Bookmark this page. Work through everything little by little.
Shoot for 6-10 repetitions of each exercise in about 4 superset cycles. All you need for a warm-up is one round (or one set) with bodyweight or lighter weight versions of the same exercises.
Remember, nothing is perfect in the beginning.
There will be lots of experimentation, learning by feel, trial and error, things feeling weird in your body, and messy reps. It's all part of the process. You get better with practice.
Finally, feel free to forward this page link to any friends or family who might be interested.
Shoot me a message:
Let me know how how these moves are feeling in your body. I'm open to receiving any questions or observations you wish to share.
Yours in learning,